Dedicated to the glory of God, the sanctification of the Sisters and the salvation of souls
Unswerving fidelity to the Tridentine Mass and Liturgy, i.e. the calendar of seasons and feasts, the Roman Breviary and Gregorian Chant
Zealous to assist Holy Mother Church in these days of great crisis and to participate in the work of the priesthood by prayer and sacrifice for souls
Fervent and tender devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Our Blessed Mother and St. Joseph
Community bond based on one Faith, supernatural principles and fraternal charity
Our Apostolate
Gift of oneself through the Liturgy and through communal, private and mental prayer Prayer especially for priests, their sanctification and their fruitful work in the Church; assisting in priestly life
Providing for the needs of the Liturgy: care and maintenance of altar, sacred linens, vestments Assisting souls in their spiritual life through the making and distribution of Catholic sacramentals
Manual work for the needs of the convent
Our History
Founded in 1987 in Colorado Springs, Colorado by Carmelite Nuns
Purpose of the foundation was to preserve the authentic religious life as lived out in the original Rule and customs of Our Holy Mother, St. Teresa of Avila